Session: 2023-2024
ACLU-PA Position: Opposes
SB 907 (PN 1291) would amend the Public School Code to require that every school entity in Pennsylvania, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, have at least one full-time armed school security person on duty during the school day at each school building. School entities may also decide to have armed school security on duty during extracurricular activities. And SB 907 would permit schools to use money allocated to the School Safety and Security Fund to pay for armed school security personnel. The bill defines “school entity” as a school district, intermediate unit, area career and technical school, charter school or private residential rehabilitative institution.
While the intent of the prime sponsor to keep students safe is a laudable goal, SB 907 nevertheless ignores all available evidence that armed officers in schools cause more harm to students, and do little, if anything, to keep them safe. SB 907 will create a more intimidating and militarized learning environment for students, exacerbate Pennsylvania’s high student arrest rates—especially for students of color and students with disabilities—while likely increasing the risk of injury and death during a school shooting.
Check the bill's status here.