HARRISBURG - Legislation delaying the Pennsylvania primary election scheduled for April 28 until June 2 passed the state General Assembly today and is expected to be signed by Governor Tom Wolf. Pennsylvania is the latest of numerous states that have delayed their primaries in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, which had no position on the legislation, released a statement in response to the passage of the bill. The following can be attributed to Reggie Shuford, executive director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania:
“Delaying an election is an extraordinary step, and we understand that state officials are mindful of the health concerns of voters, poll workers, and election administrators.
“State officials now have time to prepare for an election in which voters will be looking for alternative means to vote. The recently enacted vote-by-mail option is a great way to vote while also maintaining social distancing. Election officials must educate voters about their right to vote by mail and consider the idea of sending every registered voter a mail-in ballot or at least an application to vote by mail. No one should have to choose between protecting their health and exercising their right to vote.
“To be clear, delaying elections cannot be the new normal. State officials have ample time to get ready for the general election in November. We trust that they will use that time wisely to prepare.”