Session: 2023-2024
ACLU-PA Position: Opposes
HB 2428 (PN 3365) would allow the PA Department of Transportation to issue electronic driver's licenses and identification cards. It would establish a verification system to confirm the authenticity and validity of these electronic credentials and set requirements for carrying and exhibiting physical and electronic driver's licenses.
The ACLU does not object to the concept or creation of electronic driver’s licenses (or mobile driver’s licenses—“mDLs”). There are many benefits to an electronically available license or ID. However, as with any kind of new technology, privacy concerns are paramount and extreme caution and diligence should accompany any new or expanded ability for the government to identify and/or track you—especially when the new technology anticipates interaction with law enforcement.
The ACLU-PA opposes HB 2428 less for what the bill does, but what it fails to include or anticipate.
At a minimum, HB 2428 must prohibit centralized ID tracking and impose stricter limitations on police searches of cell phones. If the bill were to include these, and other, vital privacy safeguards, HB 2428 could offer all the benefits of an electronic license system without leaving Pennsylvanians vulnerable to warrantless police searches and a powerful, centralized government surveillance and tracking system.
Check the bill's status here.