Session: 2021-2022

ACLU-PA Position: Opposes

HB 2290 would amend 18 Pa. C.S. § 3935.1 (theft of secondary metal) to expand the definition of secondary metal to include “catalytic converter.” Stealing a catalytic converter would already be covered under a nearly identical existing offense, § 3934 (theft from a motor vehicle). In other words, HB 2290 would expand the definition of one offense to make it nearly identical to an existing offense.

Creating duplicative offenses does nothing other than to expand prosecutorial power to charge multiple offenses for the same action, which results in coercive plea deals, longer periods of incarceration, and needless increases to the ever-expanding $3 billion+ price tag for Pennsylvania’s corrections budget.

Check the bill's status here.


Representative Mary Issacson


2021 - 2022

Bill number

