The last few years have caused us to reimagine a lot of things, including the way we work and find community with one another. We’ve had to pivot, adapt, be flexible, and provide grace for one another as we continue to make our way through these unprecedented times.
Annual Report 2017 -2018 Sometimes, the cure for that nagging sense of despair is just to get to work. At the ACLU of Pennsylvania, that's exactly what we did in 2017 - 2018.
2016 - 2016 ACLU-PA Annual Reports Summary This document provides a thorough accounting of our finances (in keeping with the current best practices of non-profit organizations) and a short set of highlights from our work in 2015 - 2016.
Leading the Way Forward In the past year, the ACLU of Pennsylvania’s work has touched the lives of more than two million people in Pennsylvania. That means, when you look around you, on average, about one in six people you see was helped in some way by our efforts.